& Then There Were Three ..

& Then There Were Three ..

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Thursday Rants

Sex in relationships .. We all talk about it .. We all bitch & complain about it .. As women, I feel as though a lot of us complain that we “have” to do it too much .. That twice a week is enough .. And ladies, excuse me when I say – I think that’s bullshit .. J Sex is so important to me in a relationship .. The passion, the intimacy, the want, the love – I feel so much when doing the deed .. Don’t get me wrong - of course, there are times, when I’m not in the mood or when my boyfriend is too tired – but I could never imagine going weeks without physical contact ..  Sure, I might have a high sex drive – but hello – have you seen my boyfriend? It’s hard for me to keep my hands off of him .. I hope I never have to be one of those woman who thinks “ugh, not again” or who has to complain to all of my girlfriends about how I HAVE to have sex with my man .. Whether it’s a quickie or whether it’s a longie – I just loved to be loved on .. 

Starbucks .. Every day you see me .. Every day you get more beautiful .. Every day I wonder if I’ll ever break my addiction to you .. Every day I wonder how in the hell I spend $15 a week on coffee to keep me functional .. That’s $60 a month .. on coffee .. Do you know what I could do with $60? Buy my own coffee & make my own iced coffee .. Ain’t nobody got time foh dat! Forreal ..

Two & half year olds .. I have never wanted anything more in life, than to take my son, ball him up, shove him back inside of me, give birth to him again, and enjoy his first 2 years .. After that 2nd birthday – when I say your child turns into a monster – I’m not exaggerating .. My son will tell me he hates me, that I’m mean, that I’m not his favorite .. Everything is all about his Daddy or his Nana .. I do any & everything for him .. I love him, I praise him, I hug him, I kiss him, I do little things for him, I surprise him, I take him places, I buy him things – I am so patient with him when he gets upset .. I try to understand him when he’s angry .. I feel as though I’m putting in so much effort to just be a good Mom & every day – he makes me feel as though I’m nothing to him .. I hope this passes .. If not, I’m going to get myself knocked up again & hopefully this child will love me longer than a year .. That’s totally a legit reason to get pregnant again, right? 

Makeup .. I spend hundreds of dollars on you .. How can I go from beautiful at 630am to zombie/death by 430pm? I buy your fancy primers .. I spend $47 on MakeUp Forever HD Foundation & Blush – I use $30 urban decay setting spray .. Why do you not like to stick to my skin? I don’t have a super greasy face & I sit at a damn desk .. I’m not doing manual labor where I will sweat my makeup off .. I don’t get it .. I think, right now, in my makeup bag – I have at least $450 worth of GOOD makeup .. Wanna know one of the best things in there that I never seem to have a major problem with?? ELF Foundation .. $6 .. Works better than the MakeUp forever foundation .. 

Salsa .. I’ve been craving you every day for the past 5 days .. I put you on eggs, I put you on chips, I put you on lettuce and eat salsa salads .. Why? What is it with your chunky tomatoes & sweet onions?

3:40pm on a Thursday .. WHY AREN’T YOU 4:30 YET? I want to go home and sleep and eat salsa .. That is, after I go get tat, tat, tatted up yo .. I’m over here freaking out and having stomach pains at the nervousness of this tattoo .. I have three .. I gave birth without drugs .. and I’m freakin’ out over a stupid little wrist tattoo .. I want to vom ..

One more day until Friday! 

Peace bitches!